In the first line of second para, it is given that the revolutionary govt. did introduce laws to improve lives of women but about which govt is it mentioned here?? Was it convention or national assembly of third estate or the Jacobin govt?
This is from French Revolution
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The French Revolution had been a gorgeous period of both chaos and change. Women, being steadily undermined in the corrupt society entered the revolution with all odds against them. Despite this, they took it as a hazard to voice their thoughts and ideas and influence others to realize the injustice that was once occurring every day. Many feminists were punished for their actions and contradictory speeches and because of it, the movements were squelched by those who did not want the patriarchal society to change. Although the French Revolution didn't alter the way men treated women, it created a focus for the equal rights of women and their capabilities to do more than just cook dinner or clean.
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