In the good old days of the daimions, their lived an old couple where only pet was little dag. Having no children, they loved it as though it were a baby. The old lume. made it a cushion a blue carpe, and at mealtime Muko - for that was its name: would sit on it as smug as any cat. The kind people ked the pet with Fitbits of fish from their oten chopstick, and all the boiled rice it wanted Thus, treated, the dump creature loved its protectors like a being with a sou
The old man, being a rice farmer, went daily with hoe of Spade into the fields, working hared from morning until o Tento sama (as the sun is called) had gone the down. behind the hills Every day the dog following him to work, never once harming the white her on that walked in the footsteps of the
old man to pick up the worms for the world.
it was patient and kind to every thing
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