In the light of the passage what do you think of machines are they blessing or curse? Explain
your answer?
The following post about the rise of the machines is submitted by Christian Kromme, Workforce Institute board member, author and futurist.
Our world is going digital at warp speed and exponential technologies are promising the birth of an entirely new economy.
Technologies including robotics, A.I., 3D printing, Augmented reality, Internet of Things (IOT) and blockchain are already impacting our world more than many people realise. As these advances move from the edges into the mainstream, the impact is going to trigger seismic shifts in business and in the way we work. And our personal lives are likely to totally transform in ways that we haven’t even considered yet.
The technology is moving ever closer to our physical selves too. It’s even getting under our skin. In Sweden more than 3,000 people have implanted chips into their hands[1] and can even book a train ticket using just their chip. That’s taking wearable technology further than most people thought would be acceptable just a decade ago. And it’s not just man-made tech that’s impacting us. We are even biohacking our way to longer lives and are starting to actively hack happiness.