English, asked by ashwinanand257, 11 months ago

In the month of October , I have Half Yearly , and teacher's are going to ask us to open our webcam/ video and write the exams. But the problem is that the questions will be on my laptop. And from the day my exam starts , I will ping you , please try to send the answers ASAP. I know it will be cheating. But I have 5 friends, but I even don't know whether they will be online during that time. Can anyone please send the answer after the question has been put. It is a request from my side. I hope you all will help me. As I have helped you guys. Please , take it a request from ashwinanand257.


Answered by Emanspatel




What you are doing is wrong. You know that. There will be horrible consequences if you get caught. I am saying because I know from experience. Please don't do this. Just study. If you have abusive parents who will hit you if you don't get good marks then immediately contact child help.

Answered by Nabh2006

Bro I understand, cheating is not good but I don't want you to fail or get less marks so i will help you to get the answers but I'm not sure that I will be online when you ask questions but if I am online then I will surely help you, but my friend please don't do it from next time. Try to study as much as possible now so that you don't have to ask much questions, well now I'm going offline for some time because my half-yearly exams have started from 5th September and will end by the end of September, so goodluck

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