English, asked by kritipandey10dec, 8 months ago

in the poem The tyger by William Blake why is it amazing that the creator made both the lion and the lamb and the tyger​


Answered by molparu000


William Blake was a first generation Romantic poet. Many of his poems were critical of a society who thought themselves to be almost perfect, a society run by, not their own free will, but the use of technology. He wanted people to question what they had always done, and whether it was morally right. He did so by using varying techniques that set up clashes between ideologies and reality. His poems allow us to see into ‘the eternal world of the spirit’ and his dreams of the sacred England he had always wanted, a place undamaged by technology, a place that is peaceful and tranquil. But not all his poems reflect this. In fact, from Blake’s ‘Songs of Innocence and of

Experience’ there are a number of poems, describing what life…show more content…

‘The Tyger’ (taken from ‘Songs of Experience’) is asking who created such a different and fierce creature, who would dare to create such a creature: ‘Did he who made the Lamb make thee?’ The tone in ‘The Lamb’ is pensive. As the poem is taken from the ‘Songs of Innocence’ it is comforting and reassuring; the lamb itself being a symbol of spirituality. Also there is a sense of innocence and freedom as the lamb is ‘meek & mild’ likes Jesus, who the Lamb is representing. In ‘The Tyger’ the reader gets a sinister feel because unlike in ‘The Lamb’ where everything is positive and reassuring and the questions are all answered: ‘Little Lamb I’ll tell thee…’, ‘The Tyger’ is not comforting and leaves unanswered questions: ‘what immortal hand or eye, Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?’ The moods of the different poems vary quite vastly. ‘The Lamb’ gives a sense of happiness, joy and pleasure like heaven or a country idyll. This is conveyed by the use of words such as ‘softest’, ‘delight’ and ‘wooly bright’. In ‘The Tyger’ the mood is a lot more sinister and almost frightening as the tiger is seen as a symbol of fear because of its huge power and strength. This is suggested by it being set ‘In the forests of the night;’

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