English, asked by mkborthakur2018, 1 year ago

in the poem tiger in the zoo why the zoo not the place for the tiger​


Answered by Anonymous

The tiger in the zoo is a beautiful poem composed by Leslie Norris.

In the poem the tiger which is caged inside a zoo. The strength of the animal gets trapped inside the four walls of the cage.

A tiger should be roaming in the open, in the forest. He should be hiding in the shadows behind the long grass.

The tiger should have been hunting it's food rather than being served by humans.

The tiger in it's natural habitat roams around and wait for a fat deer to have as it's meal. It sometimes comes near the human habitat and by snarling announces it's presence. While roaming near the human civilisation, it doesn't hide it's paws or teeth.

But in a cage, the tiger is helpless. It can't go beyond a certain distance. The tiger with rage suppressed inside it, continue to move up and down the length of the cage. It stays awake till late of night, wondering why he has been deprived of his freedom.

HisAngel: wonderful Kritty :)
Answered by nandanamohan06



Tiger is not at all happy in the cage.. bcoz his freedom is curtailed.. so he is extremely unhappy. he wants liberty so that he can live in the jungle and can frighten the villagers who lives in the outskirts of the village...

hope it helps ..

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