English, asked by Sthadiya98, 5 months ago

In the sentence "I admire your colledge" the word admire is a.intransitive b.transitive c.link d.all three​


Answered by pramalanmidhila


this is the answer



Answered by roopa2000


The correct answer is b.transitive


the transitivity of the verb.

The author goes on to say that he has instead "had to satisfy himself with knowing other authors he respects enjoy his work." "Honor with respect or intense admiration (of a quality, trait, or someone)."

A verb is considered transitive when it has the ability to take one or more objects. There is no object agreement with intransitive verbs, on the other hand. Transitivity, according to the convention, is the property of a clause to transfer the action from an agent to a patient.

Transitive verbs can be categorised according to how many objects they require. Only a subject and a single direct object are accepted as arguments by monotransitive verbs. Ditransitive verbs, or less frequently, ditransitive verbs, can have two objects: a direct object and an indirect object. The verb to give, which comprises a subject, an indirect object, and a direct object, is an illustration of a ditransitive verb in English: John gave Mary the book.

Why do verbs become intransitive from transitive?

An object, which might be a noun, phrase, or pronoun, is used to indicate the subject or object of a transitive verb's action. The transitive verbs "admire," "keep," "face," and "love" are used in the following expressions: I respect your bravery.

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