Biology, asked by sharmadikhsa0, 8 months ago

In the Southern part of India there have been frequent Volcanic eruptions and Lava used to collect and settle down since millions of years. As a result which type of rocks do we find in abundance in Southern India? ​


Answered by sohana83


Southern India and Sri-Lanka are the places where “incipient charnockites”, i.e. the local transformation of amphibolite-facies gneisses into orthopyroxene-bearing, igneous looking charnockites, have been discovered in the early sixties. The fact that some incipient charnockites occur along a network of brittle fractures, together with CO2 remnants preserved in mineral inclusions, had called for the role of fluids during charnockite alteration. The present work presents new observations on fluid inclusions and microtextures of incipient charnockites from type localities in southern India. In addition to CO2-rich fluid inclusions in quartz and feldspar, all of the occurrences have disrupted remnants of concentrated aqueous alkali chloride solutions.

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