English, asked by cantillod987, 2 days ago

IN THE ST0RM The horseman r0de sl0wly t0wards the west st0pping 0nce or twice to examine the wide circle of the horiz0n with eyes that were trained to n0te every aspect of the wilderness.0n his right the plains melted away in gentle swell after swell until they met the h0riz0n.0n his left was the wide bed of a river which fl0wed thr0ugh the sand breaking here and there into several streams and then reuniting only to scatter its v0lume a hundred yards futher into three or f0ur channels.a bird of prey flew on str0ng wing 0ver the water,but there was n0 0ther sign of life. The h0rseman l0oked m0st 0ften into the s0uth.his glances into the n0rth were few and brief.his was an attractive face.he was y0ung only a b0y but the br0w was br0ad and high and the eyes grave and steady.he was clad c0mpletely in buckskin.a rifle held in 0ne hand lay acr0ss the p0mmel of his saddle and there were weap0ns in his belt.two lightr and blankets,f0lded cl0sely were tied behind him .the tanned face,str0ng figure sh0wed a w0nderful depree of health and strength.Several h0urs passed and the h0rsman r0ddd on steadily th0ugh sl0wly.he never failed to search the plains 0n either side but chiefly in the s0uth.but the l0nes0megray land,cut by c0iling yell0w river,still r0lled bef0re him it was the depth 0f the texan winter and at times icy gusts b0rn in far m0untains swept acr0ss the plains.the rider presently turned his h0rse t0ward the river and st0pped 0n a l0w bluff 0verl0oking it as if his eyes failed to find objects f0r which they s0ught. again he gazed l0ng and patiently into the s0uth,but with0ut reward.The rider presently turned his h0rse t0ward the river and st0pped 0n a l0w bluff 0verl0oking it as if his eyes failed to find 0bjects f0r which they s0ught.again he gazed l0ng and patiently into the s0uth,but with0ut He resumed his riddd parallel with the river,but s0on st0pped a sec0nd time and help up an 0pen hand,like 0ne who tests the wind.the air was gr0wing perceptibly c0lder.the str0ngidea of this passage gusts were n0w fusing into a steady wind. the day which had n0t been bright at any time was turning darker.the sun was g0ne and in the far n0rth banks of mists and vap0r were gathering a dreary m0aning came 0ver the plain. 1.what is the main ? 2.h0w do y0u kn0w? 3.underline the five sentences that help y0u kn0w the main idea 4.write a summery.tell what is m0st imp0rtant?​


Answered by karandesiddhi8


IN THE ST0RM The horseman r0de sl0wly t0wards the west st0pping 0nce or twice to examine the wide circle of the horiz0n with eyes that were trained to n0te every aspect of the wilderness.0n his right the plains melted away in gentle swell after swell until they met the h0riz0n.0n his left was the wide bed of a river which fl0wed thr0ugh the sand breaking here and there into several streams and then reuniting only to scatter its v0lume a hundred yards futher into three or f0ur channels.a bird of prey flew on str0ng wing 0ver the water,but there was n0 0ther sign of life. The h0rseman l0oked m0st 0ften into the s0uth.his glances into the n0rth were few and brief.his was an attractive face.he was y0ung only a b0y but the br0w was br0ad and high and the eyes grave and steady.he was clad c0mpletely in buckskin.a rifle held in 0ne hand lay acr0ss the p0mmel of his saddle and there were weap0ns in his belt.two lightr and blankets,f0lded cl0sely were tied behind him .the tanned face,str0ng figure sh0wed a w0nderful depree of health and strength.Several h0urs passed and the h0rsman r0ddd on steadily th0ugh sl0wly.he never failed to search the plains 0n either side but chiefly in the s0uth.but the l0nes0megray land,cut by c0iling yell0w river,still r0lled bef0re him it was the depth 0f the texan winter and at times icy gusts b0rn in far m0untains swept acr0ss the plains.the rider presently turned his h0rse t0ward the river and st0pped 0n a l0w bluff 0verl0oking it as if his eyes failed to find objects f0r which they s0ught. again he gazed l0ng and patiently into the s0uth,but with0ut reward.The rider presently turned his h0rse t0ward the river and st0pped 0n a l0w bluff 0verl0oking it as if his eyes failed to find 0bjects f0r which they s0ught.again he gazed l0ng and patiently into the s0uth,but with0ut He resumed his riddd parallel with the river,but s0on st0pped a sec0nd time and help up an 0pen hand,like 0ne who tests the wind.the air was gr0wing perceptibly c0lder.the str0ngidea of this passage gusts were n0w fusing into a steady wind. the day which had n0t been bright at any time was turning darker.the sun was g0ne and in the far n0rth banks of mists and vap0r were gathering a dreary m0aning came 0ver the plain. 1.what is the main ? 2.h0w do y0u kn0w? 3.underline the five sentences that help y0u kn0w the main idea 4.write a summery.tell what is m0st imp0rtant?

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