English, asked by prajeshchaubey2018, 7 months ago

in the story Huckleberry Finn what did the grateful man reaveled in turn to Rev. Alexander Blodgett?​


Answered by AKR369

Answer: MarkTwain(1835–1910).Born Samuel Langhorne Clemensin Florida, Missouri, Mark Twain was a humorist, novelist,reporter, lecturer, travel writer, and licensed riverboat pilotwho became one of the most important writers of Americanliterature.  While  working  as  a  riverboat  pilot,  Clemensencountered the phrase that later became his pseudonym, orpen name—Mark Twain. Workers on Mississippi riverboatscalled out “mark twain” to indicate that the water was twofathoms deep—just barely deep enough for a riverboat.When Twain was four years old, his family moved fromFlorida, Missouri, to the nearby town of Hannibal. Hanniballay on the banks of the Mississippi River and became animportant riverboat port. The town not only inspired hisdreams of becoming a riverboat pilot but also served as thesetting for novels such asThe Adventures of Tom SawyerandAdventures of Huckleberry Finn. In these books Twain changedthe name Hannibal to St. Petersburg, meaning “St. Peter’stown,” or heaven.When Twain was twelve years old, his father died. Twainthen had to worry about making a living, so he followed hisolder brother’s footsteps and left school to learn the printingtrade.  He  became  an  apprentice,  a  person  who  works  forsomeone in order to learn a trade or skill, to a printer. At theage of eighteen, Twain left Hannibal to work as a printer, firstin St. Louis and then in New York. By this time, Twain hadalready begun to write and submit pieces to newspapers andmagazines.  When  he  was  twenty-one,  he  went  to  NewOrleans to depart for a trip to the Amazon River in SouthAmerica. The plan fell apart, but Twain was apprenticed by aMississippi riverboat pilot, a prestigious job that fulfilled hischildhood dream. Twain worked as a riverboat pilot until thestart of the Civil War. Before the Civil War, the MississippiRiver was a lucrative trading route. When the war interruptedthat trade, Twain was forced to find other work. He volun-teered as a Confederate soldier but soon deserted and wentwest, where he worked as a reporter in Virginia City, Nevada,and adopted the name Mark Twain.

Explanation: Please mark me the branleist

Answered by saachirawani

Who is Alexander Blodgett??

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