English, asked by 050, 1 year ago

In the story "shady plot", why did helen appear in bits and pieces?


Answered by james32
Helen appeared in BITS and pieces because she was very tired. she was tired because the people where calling the ghost all the time using the Ouija board. the ghost were forced to answer to all the questions they ask.

riddhiya: preparation and not preparations
james32: it actually take a lot of preparation before the visit
riddhiya: i wrote as --- a lot of preparations actually requires the visit before it .is it wrong
james32: nope
james32: in men it is wrong
james32: mean
riddhiya: option/is /light/travelling/best/the-------- i wrote-the best option is light travelling
james32: it is correct
riddhiya: tq
riddhiya: are u sure
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