English, asked by sai8776, 5 months ago

In the story ‘The Journey’ the author says “.... my education had made me

shun physical labour”.This is an adverse effect of education. Now write an essay on

‘The Adverse Effects of Education​


Answered by khushiranjan123456

'The Adverse Effects of Education'

Education is most important in our life. we should keep gaining our knowledge. Knowledge is very much important for us to lead our life. Some people think that girls don't need to be educated. But it is false ,even girl child should be educated to lead her life. Education is much important as it helps us to earn money and lead our life very happy.

We all need to educated to make our country progressive and more advanced. Without education we are totally incomplete. these are good effects of education.

There are many adverse effect as well.It gives a lot of pressure on the children and the children sometimes fall ill because of the pressure of education. They always lessen the burden of education. The children's does not even gate time to perform other activities like dance, singing, painting, drawing and other creative activities. If the teachers gives lots of homework to the students, it will create mental stress to the children and they started hating studies. So this has to be reduced based on their mindset.

if it is useful give me brain list mark and follow me.

Answered by Anonymous

Answer :

The adverse effects of Education

Education is supposed to be an enlightened process that aims at magnify our wisdom and store of knowledge. It was a word created to have only positive impacts However like every other realm of humanity, education too has its demerits.The Education is the level of moral values a child has. As you grow in real education, you are humbled by the sheer magnitude of the areas you are ignorant about and your pursuit of knowledge is more quiet. It inculcates a kind of competitiveness that borders on unhealthy relationship.

Right from the moment they are admitted to school, children are embedded with an attitude that says person achievements are everything. They are taught that marks and trophies are everything you need to lead a successful life. They how and why are not important, just catch up on what that's what a child is taught. and that's what we grow when we learns. Society has sunk do to deep into mud to get up now it's custom, a tradition to teach our children to came to class and not less. It does not create a healthy adult, but a competitive animal of our grandchildren.

This also creating not a whole some adult but a competitive animal out of the little kids.Social responsibility education kills our sense of empathy.

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