in three test tube a b c three different liquid namely distilled water underground water distilled water with pinch of calcium sulphate is resolved respectively are taken equal amount of soap solution is added to each of the test tube contain are taken in which test tube will be the length of whom we longest
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For test tube A, which includes only distilled water, the size of the foam (lather) will be the shortest. This is because in soft water, lather forms quickly.
- Distilled water is soft liquid, i.e. it contains no salts and therefore lather in test tube A is easily formed. Tube B and C contain salts that are dissolved which make them harsh.
- Due to calcium (Ca2 +) and magnesium (Mg2 +) salts, the ions react with soap solution, resulting in the formation of lather, which in turn hinders the production of foam.
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The test tube A will take minimum time to form lather.
- Lather is the foam that we see when we dissolve the soap in water and then oass air through it.
- This is formed because the soap particles decrease the surface tension of water, forming the foam.
- The soap is basically sodium or potassium salts of long chain fatty acids. In the hard water, these soaps react with the calcium and magnesium salts forming the calcium or magnesium salts of fatty acids which cannot decrease the surface tension of water.
- So more and more soap is required untill all the calcium and magnesium salts are converted, and then only the foam is formed.
- Here in both test tube B and C, there are calcium salts.
- So only test Tube A will readily form lather.
For more information about soap lather,
why soft water give lather with soap and hard water didn't -
water from different places produces varying amount of lather wen ...
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