In TLE -HE Subject7 rearrange the letters to form the correct word
Words like battle that end with the letters <le> right after a [t] sound are a special group.
In words that end with a [t] sound with <le> right after it, the [t] is spelled <t> if it comes right after a consonant or long vowel. However, if the [t] comes right after a short vowel sound, it is spelled <tt>.
Let's look at this in the context of vowel patterns.
The long vowels in words like title may seem to be exceptions to the VCC pattern. But the pattern for words that end <tle> is true for words that end with any consonant followed by <le>. Since there is always a long vowel in every word that ends with a single consonant followed by <le>, we can treat these long vowels not as exceptions, but rather as the result of a smaller pattern within a bigger pattern. We can call it the VCle# pattern. VCle# is another pattern that marks long vowels, like VCV and Ve#.
If there is a short vowel sound right in front of the [t], we use a double <tt> to spell [t] in front of the <le>. We can think of this as another smaller pattern within the bigger VCC pattern. We can call it the VCCle# pattern, which is another pattern that marks short vowels, like VCC and VC#.
In the VCCle pattern the vowel is short, but in the VCle pattern the vowel is long.