Math, asked by Divyankasc, 1 year ago

In Triangle ABC, AB = BC and BC = AB + AI, where I is the incentre of Triangle ABC. Then, the measure of Angle A is ?
(Figure given in the picture attached)
Thanks in advance! Please help me out!



Answered by qais
This is just relation between in-radius and circum-radius in terms of trigonometric identites.
Answered by kvnmurty
ΔABC is isosceles as AB=AC, \ \angle{B}=\angle{C},\ \angle{B}=90^0-\angle{A}/2,\ \ Sin(A/2)=Cos(B)

In ΔABD:  cosB = a/2b      ----- (1)
In ΔAIE:    r = AI sin A/2 = AI cosB = AI *a/2b   using (1)   ...... (2)
In ΔBID:    r = a/2 * tan(B/2)
       =>  AI = 2br /a = b tan(B/2)              using (2)     ...... (3)

given   a = b + AI  = b [1+tan(B/2) ]            using (3)

from (1) & (2):          1+ tan(B/2)] = 2*CosB = [1 - tan²(B/2)]/[1+tan²(B/2)]

=>   tan^2 B/2 + 2 tan B/2 - 1 = 0
=>   tan B/2 = √2 - 1=>   cosB = 1/√2
=>   \angle{B}= 45^0 = \angle{C},\ \ \ \angle{A}=90^0

kvnmurty: I hope this is simple enough to understand. Trigonometry is needed to solve the problem.
Divyankasc: I am really thankful to both of you, who answered this question, but I aint understanding a bit of it. But anyways, I solved in my own way.. Like a class 9 or 10 student would do (without these many formulas ; because I dont know them)
Divyankasc: :)
kvnmurty: I am sorry I did not know your class.... Did u do the problem with out applying trigonometry -- like Sine/Cosine, Tangent of angles...?
kvnmurty: that is very good.
kvnmurty: The answer could be obtained using Pythagoras theorem in the triangles: ABD, AIE, BID ...
kvnmurty: It will be interesting for me to know your solution too... If you can copy paste that solution of yours here... I will be happy... thanks..
Divyankasc: Yeps! Here is the link of the solution I've solved -
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