in triangle ABC ,from A and B altitudes AD and BE are drawn. prove that triangle ADC- triangle BEC .Is triangle ADB-triangle AEB and triangle ADB - triangle ADC
Gowshik: Some examples of Wind-pollinated plants are
Wheat,Corn,Walnuts,Pines,Spruce and Most types of
grass and weedGowshik: Now we will be sharing some facts about Wind
Pollination. Point number 1:Wind pollinating plants
release billions of pollen grains into the air so that a lucky
few will hit their targets on other plantsGowshik: Hope you understood Wind Pollination. Here is
a small quiz for you. (Ask question 1)Gowshik: Some examples of Wind-pollinated plants are
Wheat,Corn,Walnuts,Pines,Spruce and Most types of
grass and weedGowshik: Now we will be sharing some facts about Wind
Pollination. Point number 1:Wind pollinating plants
release billions of pollen grains into the air so that a lucky
few will hit their targets on other plants