English, asked by taskeentaliya, 14 hours ago

In vain did Grandfather take Toto out of the bag to prove that a monkey was not a dog or even a quadruped. The ticket-collector, now thoroughly annoyed, insisted on classing Toto as a dog; and Rs.3.50 had to be handed over as his fare. Then Grandfather, out of sheer spite, took out from his pocket a live tortoise that he happened to have with him and said, ‘What must I pay for this then, since you charge for all animals?'
What could be the possible reason why grandfather pulled out a tortoise from his pocket and asked for the charges?Immersive Reader
(1 Point)

a) He wanted to show the ticket collector how a tortoise looked.

b) He could not believe how the strict ticket collector could be so uncaring.

c) The angry grandfather wanted to be nasty to the ticket collector.

d) He was desperate to convince the ticket collector.


Answered by raekh


it says he did it out of spite so option c makes sense

Answered by manvi15malik


I think Answer is option C because Grandfather is annoyed by ticket collector.

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