English, asked by rsrajeev, 11 months ago

In what circumstances will hebrew becomes a christian.?answer this Question frm merchant of venice


Answered by Anonymous


◼The play "Merchant of Venice " is the one of the best play written by William Shakespeare .

◼In this the scene reacted to choosing of caskets by the suitors are main and the story revolves around the Portia's father's will that the one who will choose the right casket among gold, silver and lead will win Portia and the whole kingdom.

◼The Prince of Arragon was also one of those suitors who had came in order to marry Portia by choosing the right casket .

◼The choosing of casket by Arragon happened in the Act2 scene 9.

◼This Scene begins with the speech of Portia telling Arragon about the Three conditions that were :-.

▶To never reveal which casket he had chooses.

▶If he chooses the wrong casket he won't be allowed to marry any other woman.

▶If he failed he will leave without uttering a word.

◼Then begans the speech of Arragon in which he had described his views about all Three caskets as like :-

▶For lead casket it had been inscribed that "WHO CHOOSES ME MUST GIVE AND RISK ALL HE POSSESSES"

Arragon says provided lead was more attractive it might have made him risk anything and denies it.

▶For gold casket it had been inscribed that "WHO CHOOSES ME SHALL GAIN WHAT MANY MEN DESIRES"

Arragon comments that "many " here stands for the foolish majority who only by show, by what the foolish eyes show them for they cannot penetrate the surface of things like the swallow, which boils it's nest on the outer wall exposed to weather and risks. Therefore he conclude to not to choose the majority desire.

▶For lead casket it had been inscribed "WHO CHOOSES ME WILL GET AS MUCH AS HE DESERVES "

Arragon comments that ,there is no man who have dignity of what he don't deserve. According to him, the one who tried to cheat fortune and be honourable has no merits. He also says that there are no personal who are resuced geom the debris and rubbish of life and had given original brightness.

▶With this he chooses the Silver casket which when opened donot have painting Portia. Hence, chooses the wrong casket and after reading the scroll in the casket he leaves.


Answered by Anonymous


Extract 1__

1. Give the conditions to which Antonio is bound. How wise was Antonio to bind himself to such conditions?

Antonio is bound to a bond according to which if he fails to repay the amount in due time, Shylock will be entitled to take an exact pound of flesh from any part of Antonio’s body that he may wish. It was very unwise of Antonio to misjudge Shylock’s intentions and sign such a fatal bond.

2. Give the meaning of:

May you stead me? Will you pleasure me?

Can you help me and will you do me this favour?

3. Shylock says that Antonio is a good man. What does Shylock mean with the connotation ‘good’?

When Shylock says the above words, he means that Antonio is a reliable man, whose surety is sufficient to give a loan.

4. Enumerate the possible threats to Antonio’s business ventures as stated by Shylock, after the above extract.

Shylock enumerates the possible dangers to Antonio’s merchandise-ships being only planks of wood are apt to be broken; the mariners being merely human beings, are liable to be drowned; there are pirates on the waters; and there are all the dangers of the ocean from the gales, tempests and dangerous rocks.

5.How can it be proved that Antonio is a prudent businessman but he is overconfident?

Antonio can considered as a prudent businessman as his wealth is distributed over the whole world. one of Antonio’s ship is on its journey to Tripolis, another is bound for the Indies, a third is voyaging to Mexico, fourth to England and others to various other distant places. He is so overconfident of his riches that he agrees to an unreasonable and dangerous bond.

Extract II


How like a fawining publican……….most do congregate

1. What is meant by ‘a fawning publican’? Give three reasons why Shylock hates Antonio.

Publicans were tax collectors for the Romans and were generally oppressive. They were hated by the Jews because they were the agents of Rome, who collected taxes also from the Jews. Publican is a natural term of contempt and loathing in the mouth of a Jew. Shylock hats Antonio because he is a Christian, lends money without interest and hurls abuses on him.

2. Give the meaning of the following:

a) Low simplicity: Childish foolishness

b) Gratis: Free of interest

c) Rate of usance: rate of interest

3. Write the meaning of the following in your own words:

3.(2)I can catch him once upon the hip,

I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him

The above words mean that if Shylock could get hold of Antonio at a disadvantage or in a weak spot, he will satisfy fully the long-standing hatred he has against him.

4. What old grudge does Shylock have against Antonio?

Shylock had a long-standing grudge against Antonio because Antonio was a Christian and looked upon the holy Jewish race with contempt. He used to lend money without interest. He even spat on Shylock, kicked him and called a ‘cut-throat dog.’

5.What does the ‘sacred nation’ refer to? What insults has Antonio heaped upon Shylock?

‘The Sacred Nation’ is a reference to the holy Jewish race. Antonio insults Shylock for his business deals and for earning profit by lending money on interest.

6. How does Shylock plan to get the money immediately? What light does this extract throw on Shylock’s character?

Shylock plans to get money immediately from a wealthy fellow-Jew, Tubal. It shows that Shylock wants to execute the bond as soon as possible and use the chance to take his revenge on Antonio.

Extract III


When Jacob grazed……….


Should fall as Jacob’s hire.

1. What topic is referred to in the extract? Who were Jacob and Abhraham?

The topic referred to in the extract is lending money for interest. Jacob was the second son of Issac who became the third successor to Abraham. Abraham was the founder of the Hebrew nation and Jacob’s grandfather.

2. Give the story of Jacob who got his share as his payment from Laban.

Laban was Jacob’s uncle. Jacob and Laban entered into an agreement that Jacob would receive as his wages the lambs which were born with spots or stripes. During the breeding season, Jacob arranged the wooden rods in such a way that the shadows of the rods should fall on the sheep. Consequently, most of the lambs were born spotted or stripped, and thus, they became Jacob’s property.

3. What is the difference between taking interest and receiving payment for one’s labour?.

Taking interest means to charge specific amounts on the money given as loan for a specified period. Receiving payment for one’s labour means to take remuneration for one’s service rendered. This is legitimate while taking interest is not in order.


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