In what way is canterville ghost like an ordinary person? What is your opinion of him?
The "Canterville Ghost" is a story written by the famous author Oscar Wilde. The canterville ghost wanted to take revenge against the members of the Otis family who came up to stay at the canterville chase, because he had failed in every possible attempt to scare them. Even though he tried doing everything, he felt insulted when they wiped off the blood with Pinkerton's detergent and hence all his attempts to fool them went futile. This kind of revenge is a human like feeling. He also fell in love with the little girl called "Virginia" who became kind to him and offered food to him. these are human like feelings in him and I feel,all that he was longing for was a little care and affection from others.
Since the ghost has emotions and can feel pain we can say he was like and ordinary person. He always was frightened by the Otis twins and would panic every time they scared him or pulled a prank on him. In my opinion the Canterville ghost is a man proud of his history, theatrical and loves dressing up. He seems like a person who would mature emotionally and widen his growth to all aspects of his personality.