.In what ways are wild life conservation and forest conservation related?
forest conservation, wildlife conservation and soil conservation are all related to each other It is because by conserving the forest wildlife and the soil are automatically conserved when we conserve forest we conserve soil by preventing soil erosion them also mention of soil similarly trees in the forests provide shelter and safety to the animals they also provide food to the wildlife does conservation of forest means conservation of wildlife this can be interchange by that if we conserve wild life we conserve forests also because plant are depend on animals or animals are useful for plants for pollination and dispersal of seeds and animals excreta and dead animals add nutrient to soil and provide minerals for plant growth thus wild life conservation means that conservation of forests. if we conserve soil it's means that conservation of plants. by supporting the growth of plants the soil provides plants with formation of plants
I hope it's your helpful.......
Forest conservation as the name suggests is the preservation and the protection of forests. It also involves the reversal of deforestation and environmental pollution. The preservation of all natural resources is absolutely essential for the balance of our ecosystem.