In which climatic type the citrus fruits are cultivated?
- Well, firstly, what are citrus fruits?
Fruits which are sour enough like orange, black grapes, lemons etc are citrus fruits.
Citrus fruits are commonly cultivated in Mediterranean regions, what does Mediterranean mean?
The word Mediterranean is something which has characteristics of the Mediterranean sea.
Coming to the point, These fruits grow extremely well in the Mediterranean regions as they have the same root structure like olive trees. Also, the skin of these fruits is thick, and is adapted to the climate which any Mediterranean region has.
Few examples are - Grapes, olives, figs, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, pomegranates & apricots.
The Mediterranean forests have trees which are broad-leafed, which means that the trees growing in this region have broad leaves.
Here are few characteristics of Mediterranean Climate :
- This climate contains hot summer, rainy & cold seasons.
2. The regions which are located in the western parts of this continent have their temperature up to 30 & 45 degrees.