In which color gradient types, the colors sweep around the starting point in a counterclockwise direction
In computer graphics, a color gradient (sometimes called a color ramp or color progression) specifies a range of position-dependent colors, usually used to fill a region. For example, many window managers allow the screen background to be specified as a gradient.
CSS gradients are represented by the <gradient> data type, a special type of <image> made of a progressive transition between two or more colors. You can choose between two types of gradients: linear (created with the linear-gradient() function) and radial (created with radial-gradient()
to change color of gradient.
Drag a color from the Color panel or the Swatches panel onto the color stop.
Double-click a color stop (in either the Gradient panel or the selected object), and specify a new color in the panel that appears. You can change the panel that appears by clicking the Color or Swatches icon along the left.