in which crystal system angle is 90?
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Note: Rhombohedral is a sub-category of hexagonal.
Note: 'Group' refers to type of optical properites. First observe:
Is the crystal always dark under crossed polars ?
If yes - isotropic; If no - anisotropic (GROUP 1)
If light passes through the crystal under cross polars, can one (uniaxial) or two (biaxial) orientations be found where the crystal appears dark? (GROUP 2)
If the crystal is uniaxial it belongs to the tetragonal or hexagonal crystal systems, if it is biaxial it belongs to the orthorhombic, monoclinic, or triclinic crystal systems.
Shapes of unit cells are determined by the crystal system, with the following results:
CUBIC All equal All 90
TETRAGONAL a=b not = c all 90
HEXAGONAL two are equal 2 are 90, one 120
ORTHORHOMBIC all unequal all are 90
MONOCLINIC all unequal two are 90
TRICLINIC all unequal none are 90
These are the detailed shapes associated with these crystal systems!
Example showing how optical properties that provide information about the crystal system can help distinguish similar looking gems!:
Blue sapphire - hexagonal - thus uniaxial.
Blue colored cubic zirconia (looks like sapphire) - cubic thus isotropic
Tanzanite (blue like sapphire) - orthorhombic thus biaxial
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