In which of the following color gradient types, the linear gradient gets mirrored on either sidIn which of the following color gradient types, the linear gradient gets mirrored on either side of starting pointe of starting point
all colors are mixtures of red, blue and green lightsTrueAll colors are mixtures of red, blue and yellow pigmentsTrueThe attribute that differentiates colors as red, blue, green is calledhueRed and green are complementary colorsTrueThe variance between two colors is known asColor ContrastThe process of creating color by adding light to a black background is called asAdditive ProcessIn which of the following color gradient types, the colors sweep around the starting point in a counterclockwise directionAngularAdding gray to an original color will give you aToneWhich is the system used by most printersCMYKWhich is the color system used by most monitors?RGBRed and green are analogous colorsFalseThe color scheme made by choosing colors that are directly opposite to each other on the color wheel is called asComplementary