in which of the following places natural has not been formed in india
Figure I.1: Crude Oil & Natural Gas Production
I.2 Refining Capacity & Refinery Crude Throughput:
Indian refining industry has done exceedingly well in establishing itself as a major player globally. India is
emerging as a refinery hub and refining capacity exceeds the demand which is second largest refiner in Asia
after China. After the commissioning of the Paradip Refinery in February 2016, the country’s refining capacity
has increased from 215.066 MMTPA to 230.066 MMTPA at present (as on 01.04.2016). Refinery Crude
Throughput (Crude Oil Processed) for the year 2015-16 is 232.865 MMT as against 223.242 MMT in 2014-15,
showing an increase of about 4.31%. The trend in Refining Capacity and Crude throughput during 2009-10 to
2015-16 are depicted in Table 1.2.
Table I.2: Refinery Capacity & Refinery Crude Throughput (in terms of Crude Oil Processed)
Year Refining Capacity
% Growth in
Refining Capacity
% Growth
in Crude
Utilization (%)
2009-10 175.956 18.12 186.552 16.03 106.02
2010-11 183.386 4.22 196.989 5.59 107.42
2011-12 187.386 2.18 204.121 3.62 108.93
2012-13 213.066 13.70 219.212 7.39 102.88
2013-14 215.066 0.94 222.497 1.50 103.46
2014-15 215.066 0.00 223.242 0.33 103.80
2015-16(P) 215.066* 0.00 232.865 4.31 108.28
P: Provisional * Refining Capacity has since been enhanced by 15 MMTPA with the commissioning of the grassroot refinery at Paradip on 7.2.2016.
Refining capacity as on 1st April of initial year.
Figure I.2: Refinery Capacity and Refinery Crude Throughput
I.3 Production and Consumption of Petroleum Products
The production of petroleum products is at 231.924 MMT in year 2015-16 as against 221.136 MMT achieved
in 2014-15, showing an increase of about 4.88%.During the year 2015-16, the consumption of petroleum
products in India was 184.674 MMT with a growth of 11.57% as compared to consumption of 165.520 MMT
during 2014-15. Year-wise production and consumption of petroleum products since 2009-10 to 2015-16 are
depicted below:
Table I.3: Production and Consumption of Petroleum Products
Production of
% Growth in
Production of
Consumption of
% Growth in
Consumption of
2009-10 184.610 18.99 137.808 3.15
2010-11 194.821 5.53 141.040 2.35
2011-12 203.202 4.30 148.132 5.03
2012-13 217.736 7.15 157.057 6.02
2013-14 220.756 1.39 158.407 0.86
2014-15 221.136 0.17 165.520 4.49
2015-16(P) 231.924 4.88 184.674 11.57
P: Provisional
Figure I.3: Production and Consumption (indigenous sales) of Petroleum Products
I.4 Import of Crude Oil:
Import of crude oil during 2015-16 was 202.851 MMT valued at ` 4,16,361 crore as against import of 189.435
MMT valued at `6,87,416 crore in 2014-15. Thus notwithstanding an increase of 7.08% in quantity terms, oil
imports registered a decline of 39.43% in value terms over the same period of last year mainly because of a
steep decline in crude oil prices.
Global prices of crude oil which stayed above US $100 /bbl since February, 2010, took a sharp downturn with
effect from September 2014. From June 2014, when they stood at US $ 111.66 /bbl, they have plummeted
and shown a steady decline to US $ 28.08 /bbl in January, 2016. This sharp fall can be attributed to weakening
of demand in economies of Asia, especially China, and Europe in addition to a production glut. Further,
exploration of shale gas by countries like the United States and Canada to reduce their dependence on oil
imports has led to lower demand of oil.
The average international crude oil price (Indian Basket) was US$ 46.17/bbl. during April-March, 2015-16 as
compared to US$ 84.16/bbl in the same period of 2014-15, i.e. lower by 45.14% as compared to the same
period last year.
The trend in growth of crude oil imports and crude oil international (Indian Basket) prices is shown in Table-4
& Graph- 4.
Figure 1.5.