In which other cases would you use LCM and HCF
Lowest Common Multiple (LCM): The smallest number (other than zero) that is the common multiple of any two or more given natural numbers are termed as LCM. For example, LCM of 6, 8, and 12 is 24.
Highest Common Factor (HCF): The greatest factor which is common to any two or more given natural numbers is termed as HCF of given numbers. Also known as GCD (Greatest Common Divisor). For example, HCF of 8,and 40 is 8.
Both HCF and LCM of given numbers can be found by using two methods, they are division methods and prime factorization.
HCF and LCM have many applications in our daily life. Let us understand What are applications of lcm and hcf, and the relation between hcf and lcm which will make the concept more clear.
when we need factors nd division