In Which part of gangetic plains silkworms are reared
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Silkworm (Bombyx mori L), is a monophagous insect. It has a great economic importance for its golden natural fibre. But environmental pollution due to automobile emissions and other man made factors in the ambient air of Gangetic West Bengal has a great impact on silkworm rearing. Generally two mulberry varieties, viz, S1 and S1635 are used as food for silkworm in Gangetic West Bengal. But Lune40, a Chinese variety exhibits better results in the same macro-environment in respect of leaf fresh weight (g), leaf area (cm2), leaf yield / plant (kg) shoot yield / per plant (kg) etc. The physio-biochemical analysis of mulberry leaves of above mentioned varieties exhibit that Lune 40 variety has higher leaf quality in similar agro climate and ambient environment than S1 and S1635 variety. Rearingof silkworm with Lune 40 help silkworm for their growth and higher vigor in final instar. Silkworm’s intake less amount of Lune 40 leaves to produce more cocoon weight and filament length than the other two. Silkworms reared with Lune40 are less susceptible to diseases. So it could be propagated for better crop harvest in the polluted environment of Gangetic West Bengal by replacing S1 and S1635 variety
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