Biology, asked by yamunadevi4440, 11 months ago

In which part of the elementary canal food is finally digest?


Answered by yatharthy

Food starts digesting from our mouth(buccal cavity) when it mix with saliva to break down cellulose and sent towards stomach through food pipe(oesophagus). In stomach, hydrochloric acid (HCl) create a acidic medium in it to activate a protein digesting enzyme called pepsin and it have mucus which prevent acid to burn stomach walls. Undigested food(bolus) moved towards small intestine. Small intestine receive two secretions of two glands: liver and pancreas. Liver secrete bile which is alkaline,and contains salt which help to emulsify or break the fats(or lipids) present in food. Bile salts break the fats present in the food into small globules making it easy for enzymes to digest it. Pancreas secretes pancreatic juice which contains digestive enzymes like pancreatic amylase, trypsin and lipase, the amylase breaks down the starch,the enzyme trypsin digests the proteins and the enzyme lipase breaks down the emulsified fats. The second work of small intestine is to absorb the digested food. In fact the inner wall of small intestine has millions of tiny, finger like projections called villi to increase the surface area of absorption. Large intestine absorbs the most of the water from bolus. Then it is passed out (egested) from our body through anus as faeces

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