In which stage should John gather customer's needs and record his observations? • Prototype o Ideate o Define o Empathise
“Empathize,” in which companies observe and engage with users to discover their frustrations and needs
In Empathize stage John would gather customer's needs and record their observations.
Prototype, Ideate, Define, Empathize and Test are 5 different phases of Design Thinking Process.
Without a deeper comprehension of the target audience, design thinking cannot begin. As a design thinker, you must empathize with the people you are designing for in order to comprehend their requirements, thoughts, feelings, and motivations in order to acquire those insights.
To understand the needs, wants, behaviors, feelings, and thoughts of the people you are designing for as well as the reasons behind these behaviors, feelings, and thoughts when interacting with goods in a real-world situation, you must first build empathy for the people you are creating for.
The five phases of design thinking are not usually sequential; they are not have to happen in a certain order and can frequently take place simultaneously. You can even repeat the stages iteratively. As a result, rather than being seen as a series of processes, the stages should be viewed as various ways that contribute to a project. However, "Empathizing" is usually the first phase of a project.
As design thinkers, we frequently engage with individuals in interviews or passively study them in their natural context to develop empathy for them. As designers, we should also try to put ourselves in these users' situations in order to better understand them. This is known as "putting oneself in their shoes."
We should always try to acquire the perspective of a beginner if we want to understand users. This means that when making observations, designers (or design thinkers) should always try to put their own preconceptions and experiences aside. We develop assumptions as a result of our experiences in life, which we then use to explain and make sense of the world around us. But this very process interferes with our capacity to truly empathize with the people we see. Since it is impossible to entirely let rid of our presumptions, we should actively and repeatedly remind ourselves to adopt a beginner's mindset.
You should constantly remind yourself not to judge what you see, to always ask questions, even if you believe you know the answer, and to actually listen to what other people have to say.