In which step electric bill details were discussed
Step 1: – Calculation of units consumed
It is derived on the basis of difference of current & previous meter reading & further multiplied by the applicable multiplying factor of your meter.
Step 2: – Calculation of bill period (Slab)
Bill period (Slab) is calculated for the purpose of fixed charge calculation and bifurcation of units in case of block / tariff / category change. It is derived from the difference of Current & Previous Reading dates.
Slab Calculation Process:
Bill period: 24.07.2014 to 06.08.2014
Step 3: – Calculation of Fixed Charges
Fixed Charges are the fixed amount charged for billing period according to the load, applicable rate and slab.
For Domestic rate category: –
For Sanctioned Load till 2 kW
Rate = Rs.40.00/Month
Fixed Charge = Rate x Slab
For Sanctioned Load > 2 – 5kW
Rate = Rs.100.00/Month
Fixed Charge = Rate x Slab
For Sanctioned Load > 5 kW
Rate = Rs.25.00/Month/kW
Fixed Charge = Rate x Slab x Load
Applicable Rate for 6kW = Rate x Slab x Load
Fixed Charge = 25.00 x 0.4516 x 6 = Rs.67.74
For Others (Agricultural / Industrial / Non Domestic) Sanctioned Load upto10 kW: –
Fixed Charge = Rate x Slab x Sanctioned Load (SL)
Where MDI exceeds SL: – 30%
Surcharge on Fixed Charge is levied
@ ((MDI- SL) x Rate x Slab) x 30%
Step 4: – Calculation of Energy Charges
Energy Charges are calculated based on the block price applicable for units consumed in the billing period
Block details for units consumed = 696
For Others (Agricultural / Industrial / Non Domestic) Sanctioned Load up to 10 kW: –
Step 5: – Calculation of Surcharge
Energy Charges = Rs.5029.05 …… (Refer to Step 4)
Surcharge Rate = 8% on Energy Charges
Surcharge on Energy Charges = Rs.5029.05 x 8% = Rs.402.32
Fixed Charges = Rs.67.74 …… (Refer to Step 3)
Surcharge Rate = 8% on Fixed Charges
Surcharge on Fixed Charge = Rs.67.74 x 8% = Rs.5.42
Step 6: – Calculation of Electricity Tax
(As per applicable tariff, ETAX is leviable @ 5 % on Energy Charges + PPAC (Energy Charges) + Surcharge (Energy
Charges relevant for ETAX calculation:
Energy Charges = Rs.5029.05 …… (Refer to Step 4)
PPAC on Energy Charge = 0.00 …… (Refer to Step 5)
Surcharge on Energy Charge = Rs.402.32 …… (Refer to Step 6)
ETAX = (5029.05+0.00+402.32) x 5% = Rs.271.57
Step 7: – What is the basis of calculation of current demand amount?
Total Current Demand comprises of Energy Charges + ETAX + Fixed Charges and any other charges levied by DERC like; PPAC, Surcharges etc.
Total = Rs.5776.10
Arrears / Refunds:
Arrears refers to either payment that are overdue or payments that are to be made at the end of a period. An account is said to be in arrears if the debt, liability, or obligation expected is overdue. Arrears reflected are previous billed current demand +/- adjustment remained unpaid and payable immediately. Refund constitutes previous billed provisional amount now adjusted in current bill. When the bill becomes overdue, say 30 days past the due date for payment, the account becomes in arrears and the account holder may get a late notice. There are also instances where bills or liabilities come due after the service has been provided such as utility bills, property taxes, and employee salaries. These payments are known as Payment in Arrears and occur at the end of the period, therefore, are not classified as late payments.
These are charges debited / credited in this bill due to bill revision / adjustment done – details. The total of any adjustments applied to your account since your last bill.
A subsidy is a benefit given by the government to groups or individuals, usually in the form of a cash payment or a tax reduction. The subsidy is typically given to remove some type of burden, and it is often considered to be in the overall interest of the public. Allowed as per notification released from Govt. of State if applicable.
Late payment surcharge is levied on amount remained unpaid from relevant due date till the date of payment.
The steps of electricity bill calculation are as follows -
- Tariff / Category: Tariff and Category estimate the rate structure applicable to the bill. Tariff codes generally start with LT (Low Tension 230V single phase or 400 V three phases) or HT (High Tension 11kV and above). LT codes are generally used for connection to residential, commercial, and small offices. HT codes are generally used for bigger industries and complexes. Category in the bill estimates if the connection is residential, commercial, or industrial. Various rates/slabs are applied for various tariff codes and thus it is necessary to check that the right tariff code is applied to the electricity bill.
- Total Units Consumed (Unit rates of each State/Discom): Units consumed are the number of kWh (Kilo-Watt-Hour) of power consumed in a month. 1 kWh is equivalent to keeping a 100 Watts bulb switched on for 10 hrs. This information is calculated by checking the difference between meter readings for two consecutive months. This is the aggregate monthly consumption of all the appliances that are connected to the meter. This is the value that needs to be cut to reduce the electricity bill. An observation of consumption history serves as an indicator of the appliances having higher electricity consumption.