Social Sciences, asked by Ammu966, 5 months ago

In your opinion, after this pandemic comes to close, however long it may be, what should be the first step we as a global community take so that we are better prepared for the next pandemic?​


Answered by sayalipatil0897



it's a big one , so you can take the main points which you like


Three steps can be taken by policymakers to ensure the world is better prepared for the next global health crisis,

***** Understanding inter-species transmission

The new coronavirus is thought to have originated in a wildlife market in Wuhan, although Chinese officials have claimed the outbreak may not have begun in China.

In late January, Chinese authorities announced a temporary ban on the trade of wild animals in wet markets, supermarkets, restaurants and e-commerce platforms — but experts and wildlife organizations have called for a permanent ban to help prevent future pandemics.

******Improve response strategies

Another area that needed improvement was government response plans, according to Venkayya.

“We know that whenever you have something like this, a lot of people are going to get sick very, very quickly, and as we’re seeing in different parts of the world, the illnesses can come in waves,” he told CNBC.

“You’ve seen in the graphs that there are peaks in the demand on health care capacity, (which) in many cases overstretch and break the health-care system. We need to do a very effective job not just at flattening the curve but to lower the difference between the peak demand and the supply that’s available.”

*******Global cooperation

Venkayya also said policymakers needed to approach pandemic response strategies “as a global community.”

“There are places in the world that are really suffering in terms of their access to the medical resources they need, whereas in other parts of the world the wave hasn’t hit them yet, or it’s already passed through their communities,” he said. “We need to have the free flow, the sharing of people and resources and technologies, (and) tools for the communities that are the hardest hit to address the problem in that moment.”

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also told CNBC on Wednesday that coordinated efforts were needed to tackle the “common invisible enemy” of COVID-19.

Some analysts have been critical of world leaders for failing to take cooperative action to mitigate the impact of the outbreak.



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