In your opinion how an educational leader can use technological tools for various purposes and integrate technolog effectively in their work
Technology can also be used to enhance education. Researchers on Web 2.0 tools, within a TPCK framework, have found that the use of such technology results in a better learning environment by promoting an increase in communication and feedback between students and teachers (Archambault, et.
Explanation: the basis for effective educational technology leadership
and a few of the current initiatives and impacts that are a result of the aforementioned effective
leadership. (Findings) Topics addressed in this paper include: (1) the role of the educational
technology leader in an educational setting; (2) an examination of the required skills of an
educational technology leader; (3) theoretical frameworks and models such as organizational
change and TPCK; (4) social and emotional aspects of technology integration; (5) impacts of
effective leadership; (6) distributed and distance learning technology; (7) technology initiatives
focused on learning enrichment. (Conclusions) Although educational technology leaders have
had a significant impact on the field of education, effective leaders require an extensive
knowledge of the leadership process and related theory to effectively integrate technology with the goal of increasing student achievement and overall school performance. Within the field of education the effective use of technology can provide many benefits.
Technology has a multitude of uses in such diverse areas as professional development,
curriculum modifications, distance learning, and the teaching of skills necessary to have a
successful career in our technologically integrated world. Yet, without educational technology
leaders acting as strong advocates, the field of education would be unable to successfully
integrate technology into a school system, local school site, or classroom. Thus, in order to reap
the benefits of technology, there is a need for expert individuals to assume leadership roles and promote technology for educational purposes
A well-kept secret in the main office is that principals can (and should) teach, too. In a well-led school, all members of the school community will see the principal in teaching action. This should include teaching with technology, because setting an example as a principal is important when it comes to preparing students to be tech-savvy citizens. Afshari and colleagues claim that "the leadership role of the principal is the single most important factor affecting the successful integration of technology."1
School leaders should take every opportunity they can to show publicly that they value technology. Principals should incorporate technology into such everyday tasks as completing observations or giving presentations. Classroom modeling—delivering demonstration lessons in which students effectively learn through using technology—is an even more direct approach.
Here are eight ways school leaders can meaningfully show that they value technology in schools.
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