English, asked by annexed77, 1 year ago

In your opinion, what are the best treatments or remedies to do when a person has a cold? 150 word help me I don’t know how to start writing a paragraph


Answered by ssanaparveen227

My report is on the common viral cold, I would like to go talk about how it is cought, its symptoms and how to cure it as quick as possible. The common cold is cought by coming in contact with some one who has the virus, thus the cold is cought through direct contact, from one infected person to the next, or from, Being in side in the winter time with the heater on all the time, the lack of air flow is a great place for air born particles to sit and rest up the heaters on only move the virus around more.

The best way to avoid catching the cold is not to shake hands with a person who has a nasty habit of picking their nose, because the virus then gets on there hands, and is spread from them to you in all the happy hand shaking that

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