#include <stdio.h>______________
int main() {______________
/* my first program in C * / ____________
print( " Hello, World! \n");__________
return 0;________
Stdio. h is known to contain the input and output operations like "printf" or "scanf" etc. "h" extension means the header file. If you request to use a header file in the program by actually including it with the preprocessed C directive #include like you have seen the inclusion of stdio.
int main() → main is also a function. It is compiled first when a C code is executed that is, the execution of any C program starts from the main() function. int before main means that the function will return (or give us back) an integer.
int main(). {. // Replace this line with the snippet of code you'd like to compile. return 0;. } ... A bad statement comment explains what the code is doing. If you ever write ... C++ Tutorial | Print This Post ... include <iostream> Everything from here to the end of the line is ignored. int main(). {. std::cout << "Hello world! \n";. return 0;. } ...