Computer Science, asked by TheVerifiedQuestion, 3 months ago

int main ()
printf ("Hello World");
return 0;

xplan this


Answered by arpishkundra


In first line

we are including a predefined header file of C programming which is standard input output file.

In second line we are starting a main function which will have all the main programming lines. Main function is just like we have CPU in our computers it helps to execute all the other components.

Then we have curly braces which are syntax of any function.

then the print line which is again a function which helps in printing our stuff on screen.

then the return statement which is returning 0, actually it is just closing program and nothing is returned.

Answered by Anonymous

Explaining C Program

By seeing the program, we can conclude that the program has been written using C. In every new programming language program generally start with "Hello World!". This is the simple program.

Before we understand the Program step-by-step, let's first know that what is C programming language and also look at once that how the output will come from the program.

C is a computer programming language, it was developed by Ken Thompson and Dennis, it was developed in early 1970s at Bell labs, it was developed to do computer Programming.

The output of the given program would be like this:

Hello World


Explanation of C Program

Given program:


int main ()


printf ("Hello World");

return 0;


Let's breakdown each and every line of cօde and understanding the above C program step-by-step.

#include<stdio.h> : This function is used to generating output, it looks for the studio.h, it is also called header file. In order to use the printf() and scanf() functions, we must first include the needed file.

int main() : This function is used for returns to a compiler and the main() function is the input point for a program.

Curly bracket { : This left Curly brackets is used specify the commencement or starting of the function.

printf() : This function is used to print the data/messege/file.

return 0 : This function means that our program is now ready to run.

Curly bracket } : This left Curly brackets is used specify termination or end and of the function.

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