Social Sciences, asked by singhsunil19740, 4 months ago

India has a great diversity. What are the main reasons behind this diversity?
Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Questions
That makes India so interesting and diverse!
Subiect Enrichment​


Answered by sahilkadavekar484



India, a country of many ethnic groups,

is a land of myriad languages, a veritable

babel of tongues and numerous modes of

apparel. For the most part, the continental

dimensions of the country account for these

variations and diversities. Besides, there are

several religions, sects and beliefs. But there

are certain common links and uniting bonds

that people have sought to develop in order

to achieve the eminently desirable goal of

unity amidst diversity.

It is true that superficial observers are likely

to be bewildered by the astonishing variety

of Indian life. They fail to discover the one

in many, the individual, in the aggregate;

the simple in the composite. With them the

whole is lost in its parts. What is needed is

the superior interpretation, synthesis of the

power of the mind that can give rise to a

vision of the whole.

A keen penetrating insight will not fail to

recognise the fundamental unity beneath the

manifold variety in India. The diversity itself,

far from being a damaging cause of disunity

and weakness, is a fertile source of strength

and wealth. Sir Herbert Risely has rightly

observed: "Beneath the manifold diversity

of physical and social types, languages,

customs and religions which strike the

observer in India, there can still be discerned

a certain underlying uniformity of life from

the Himalayas to Cape Comorin."


Answered by kriti1399


india a country of many ethnic groups, is a land of myriad language a varitable Bable of tongues and numerous modes of Apparel.

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