"India has diverse climatic conditions" Support this statement by giving examples.
"india has diverse climatic conditions. ... India has diverse climatic conditions. Three examples are: While during summers, temperature may reach up to 500C in some parts of Rajasthan and western Gujarat, while at the same time the temperature may be just around 200C in Jammu and Kashmir.
Hey students
Here is your answer
India has diverse climatic conditions :-
1 :While during summer, tempareture may reach up to 50°C in some part of Rajasthan and western Gujarat, while at the same time the temperature may be just around 20°C in Jammu and Kashmir .
2 : While ladakh and leh may experience tempareture as low as -40°C during winter, the temperature at Chennai may over around 20°C to 25°C on the same day.
3 : While the north eastern part of the country recieve abundant rainfall ( about 200 - 250cm ) the north western parts of the country ( about 50cm ) hardly experience any rainfall .
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