Geography, asked by gs0482929, 1 year ago

India has had strong geographical and historical ties with its neighbours. Enumerate India's relations with neighbouring countries on humanitarian point of view.


Answered by Nik801
India has formal diplomatic relations with most nations; it is the world'ssecond most populouscountry, the world's most-populous democracy and one of the fastestgrowing major economies.[1]With the world'seighth largest military expenditure,third largest armed force,tenth largest economyby nominal rates andthird largest economyin terms ofpurchasing power parity,[2]India is a regional power,[3]a nascent great power and apotential superpower. India's growing international influence gives it a prominent voice in global affairs. TheEconomistmagazine argues, however, that underinvestment in diplomacy and a lack of strategic vision have minimised India's influence in the world.[4]

India is anewly industrialised country, it has a long history of collaboration with several countries and is considered one of the leaders of thedeveloping worldalong with China, Brazil, Russia and South Africa (theBRICScountries).[5][6]India was one of the founding members of severalinternational organisations, most notably the United Nations, theAsian Development Bank,G20 industrial nationsand the founder of theNon-aligned movement. India has also played an important and influential role in other international organisations likeEast Asia Summit,[7]World Trade Organisation,[8]International Monetary Fund(IMF),[9]G8+5[10]andIBSA Dialogue Forum.[11]Regionally, India is a part ofSAARCandBIMSTEC. India has taken part in severalUN peacekeeping missionsand in 2007, it was the second-largest troop contributor to the United Nations.[12]India is currently seeking a permanent seat in theUN Security Council, along with theG4 nations.[13]

Answered by steffis

India is the large country located in between the east and west Asia; kind of in central Asia and India has good relationship with neighbouring countries.


  • The land route connects India to various countries in Asia in its east, north and west.
  • The location of India has supported to the exchanging of ideas, information and goods through land and sea, since ancient times.
  • So, India has strong geographical and historical link with neighbours in relation to humanitarian perspective.
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