India in super power 75 eassy
A potential superpower is a state or a political and economic entity that is speculated to be , or to be in the process of becoming, a superpower at some point in the 21st century. Presently, it is widely considered that only the United States currently fulfills the criteria to be considered a superpower. States most commonly mentioned as being potential superpowers are Brazil, China, the European Union (a supranational entity), India and Russia, based on a variety of factors.
Several media publications and academics have discussed the Republic of becoming a superpower. Is India really shining? Is it really on the path of becoming a superpower? Optimistic Indians would assert an affirmation but it is time one had a reality check India is surely marching ahead, but are all the Indians marching ahead or is it just a small fraction of the population doing so? India can surely boast of a growth rate of around 8-9 per cent, but one needs to ask if this growth is trickling down to the lower strata of the populace.
Sixty three years ago in 1947 when India got independence , the question then asked was ‘ will India survive’? today, India’s economic profile has changed. At over a trillion dollars, it is a force to reckon with not just in Asia but in the entire world. With its new currency symbol to be internationalized soon, India now flexes its financial muscle.