English, asked by sakib3, 1 year ago

India is a highly populated country people lack in maintaining proper sanitation and hygiene as a result they suffer from various diseases.India has a serious sanitation challenge around 60percent of the world's open defection take place in India poor sanitation causes health hazards including diarrhoea,particulry in childrens 5 years of age malnutrition and defecieny is physically development and cognitive ability.you are NITESH/NITIKA.head boy /head girl of ANAND PUBLIC SCHOOL Jaipur write a letter to the editor a national daily highlighting the problem and solution practical ways to ensure your public sanitation and write to dignity and privacy.


Answered by kartika2
respected sir,
I want to throug your attention to the problems about sanitation. I am Nikita head girl of Anand public school. In our school there are many poor students who are suffring from disease like polio because of not proper sanitation. They are not able to attend school because they are ill.
So I kindly request you to arrange a camp monthly to give proper sanitation to childrens. So they will not have to suffer their studies.
Your faithfully
head girl
Anand public school

I hope this will helpful to you. There are some gramatical mistakes also so for that i apologize

aditiranjan26: It should be 100-120 words
Answered by choudhurirajat


the the letter is written to concerned authority for general public

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