india is a rich heritage of
flora and fauna
India has rich heritage of flora and fauna because of the following factors (a) It has a very large geographical area which includes the mountains, the Northern plains, plateaus and also islands. ... India is one of the twelve mega biodiversity countries of the world.
The rich heritage of India, one of the world’s oldest civilizations, is an all-embracing confluence of religions, traditions and customs. The highlights of Indian heritage lie in the treasure of its art, architecture, classical dance, music, flora and fauna, and the innate secular philosophy of its people. A visit to the heritage sites is like a walk through history, changing lanes with every dynasty that ruled Indian soils. The finesse of Indian handiwork, the richness of silk and cotton textiles, the ethnicity of jewellery, everything has come down as a heritage from ancient times and is being kept alive generation after generation. Even food in India is a legacy and part of Indian heritage, differing in look and taste in every state of India.