india is a secular country.HOW?
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With the Forty-second Amendment of the Constitution of India enacted in 1976, the Preamble to the Constitution asserted that India is a secular nation. The Constitution does not recognize, it does not permit, mixing religion and State power. ... That is the constitutional injunction.
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India has “secularism” in its ethos, culture, beliefs and traditions. Basically India is a country of Sanatan Culture and values - which are eternal and believe that Truth or GOD is ONE but wise men define it in different ways , all roads lead to one GOD….Ek Onkar. God is “perception” - one is free to dream or visualise GOD the way one wants right from formless to form and characteristic to the one with no properties. Traditionally even an atheist who does not believe in something called GOD has the same right to not only live but thrive and propagate what he believes into. Contrary to this the Religions from the WEST stress upon the exclusiveness and anybody not subscribing to the concept profounded by the founding fathers stand to not only be excommunicated but his very survival can be in danger - under the garb of blasphemy. People forget this basic different that negating the very existence of some defined GOD does not call for any beheading or conversion in Sanatan culture or religion but same does not hold true of other faiths emanating from WEST - which strictly believe that theirs is the only true form or type of GOD and anybody differing can lose their right to survive.
On this difference becomes clear, one can easily understand that India has been a true secular country from times immemorial and it has not only given birth to major religion of the world but also housed or given asylum to those who came to its shores owing to persecution by the so called religions . Yes invaders too came to India and were assimilated quite successfully. Today India has the distinction of being the second most populated islamic followers - way ahead then Pakistan which was created as a separate country for them. This feat itself demolishes the concept or the idea of pakistan which was flawed.
So one thing is clear India is inherently a secular country since time immemorial and word “Secular” was inserted into the constitution by Mrs GAndhi in 1976 thru the back door for vote bank politics. It is not that we became secular post 1976. Non secular countries have a religion to support , promote and suppress others if not help them survive. Facilities are lop sided and so are the economical parameters. Right to worship is not given to citizens and people not practicing are also forced to go thru various rituals - like in middle east during Ramzan one cannot have food in the open - lest it makes difficult for the fasting population to control the urge to eat. One religion is promoted by the state or the government while in our country it is equal distance from all religions, promote all - promote the minority religion more and some politicians take it as “a religious” which is not correct. A country with its soul in religion or DHARMA cannot be a-religious.
Finally our country is bouquet of flowers of various colour and shade and each smells sweet - problem arises when some flowers refuse to acknowledge the existence of the garden and starts blaming the gardener and the environment for crushing of some flowers - when it is flowering them and tending to them
Hope it's Helpful for you
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