India is a secular state comment
India has been the land of peace and harmony so various types of religious people from the world wants to reside in India. India taught the world about the meaning of secularism which attracted the people all over the world. India is a secular nation with no state religion and therefore every citizen residing within the territory of India has the right to follow the religion he believes in. Religion is personal matter and everyone has right to follow ones own religion.
India has always been a Secular State from times immemorial. Ashoka about 2200 years ago accepted and patronised different religions. The people in ancient India had freedom of religion, and the state granted citizenship to each individual regardless of whether someone's religion was Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism or any other. Ellora caves temples built next to each other between 5th and 10th centuries, shows a coexistence of religions and a spirit of acceptance of different faiths.Another great ruler Akbar sought to fuse ideas, professed equality between Islam and other religions of India, forbade forced conversions to Islam, abolished religion-based discriminatory Jizya taxes, and welcomed building of Hindu temples.
With the Forty-second Amendment of the Constitution of India enacted in 1976, the Preamble to the Constitution asserted that India is a secular nation. However, the Supreme Court of India in S. R. The Constitution does not recognize, it does not permit, mixing religion and State power. ...
hope it will be helpful