India's geographical location has had an important role in shaping its history.Discuss
The varied physical features of the sub-continent of India have led to the formation of different local zones, political and cultural units. On account of the difference in the physical features and natural barriers, India has come to be divided into different political and cultural units.
Effect # 2. The Thar Desert Rendered Indian Defence Difficult:
The Thar desert which lays in between the plains of Indus Valley and the Ganges has also greatly effected the course of the Indian history. As the Thar desert separates these two regions into two different units, the Indian Defence was rendered weak. This greatly benefited the foreign invaders who came to India through the north-western mountain passes.
Effect # 3. Isolation of India:
India has been separated from the rest of the world by Himalayan in the North and sea on the three other sides. As a result India lived in isolation and evolved her own style of life and development. No doubt, some of the foreign cultures and civilizations found their way into India through the northern passes but their influence was very limited.
Effect # 4. Neglect of Defence:The separation of India from the rest of the world by natural barriers gave to the people of ancient India a sense of security and they completely ignored the defence of the country. In fact they never paid any attention to the security of their frontiers. This inevitably resulted in a number of invasions on India from across the border. This neglect of military was responsible for the enslavement of the country by the foreigners.
Effect # 5. Preservation of Primitive Indian Culture:The access to certain areas has been so difficult that they have remained completely cut off from the rest of the country. The vast sandy deserts, the un-penetrable forests and high ranges of mountains have provided shelter to the primitive tribes who were driven away from the plains.
As these areas could not be easily approached the wild primitive tribes continued to evolve their own culture, which is in existence even today. Some of the prominent primitive tribes which exist even today include Bhils, Kols, Santhals, Gonds, etc. These tribes succeeded in maintaining their primitive characteristics only because of the difficult terrains of their area.
The climate of the country has also exercised great influence on the course of Indian history. The tropical climate has been greatly responsible for the failure of the Indians to resist the foreign invaders from the cold regions.
Mahmud Ghaznavi and Muhammad Ghori attacked this region several times and took huge quantities of gold, silver, diamond, and other valuable articles whenever they attacked this region. This region also continued to be the field of all political and cultural activities and number of Important empires rose and fell here.
The prosperity and richness of the region has also made the people peace-loving and luxurious. The persons of the Vindhya mountains have been responsible for the division of the country into two distinct parts—North and South. This natural division has been responsible for two separate histories of the north and south. This has also to a large extent kept South India immune from the political turmoil of the north.
Effect # 7. Absence of Strong Naval Power:Though India has a long coast extending over 3,000 miles, she never maintained a strong Navy for its defence. No doubt, India carried on cultural and commercial pursuits and established a contact with the outside world through seas, but it never thought of political domination over those regions.
A number of Indians inspired by the spirit of enterprise ‘and adventure went to the neighbouring island, like Burma, Java, Sumatra Malai etc. to spread the Indian culture.
Effect # 8. Development of Fine Arts:
The geography of India also exercised tremendous influence on the lives and habits of the people In view of abundance of wealth and other resources in the country the Indians not only developed the habit of staying at home but also became ease living.
These richness and fertility of the Indian soil provided the people with plenty of leisure and they devoted their attention to the promotion of art and literature. The Vedic literature is one of the most valuable treasures of our country.
The arts and crafts also made remarkable progress. The relics of the Mauryan and Gupta period are the best specimens of architecture, sculpture, painting, etc. of that period. In the domain of literature the most outstanding work produced during the ancient times were the Arthashastra of Kautilya and dramas of Kalidas.