English, asked by sanatanbagri1315, 11 months ago

indian constitution and democracy are the biggest enablers​


Answered by kalivyasapalepu99


A country is run by the government, judicial bodies, its people, and most importantly by the Constitution, without it, the Law and Jurisdiction will not hold up and fall apart in no time, but they are meant to stand strong. Every democratic nation needs a constitution that every citizen can read for themselves. You can’t organize a government without a constitution as the master plan. This is stated in Preamble of Indian constitution 'we the people of India do hereby adopt, enact & give to ourselves this constitution’. For instance, Article 14: right to equality, A-16 right to equal opportunities, are ‘self-reliant’ for all individual.

When we take a country with an uncodified constitution it lacks a specific moment where the principle of its government were deliberately decided. Instead these are allowed to evolve according to the political and social forces arising throughout its history. A true democracy tends toward anarchy and socialism, tends towards repression, our constitution helps to maintain our republic which is centre between the two, as such other country is France.

A fast developing country, India, has natural raw materials resources, man power, technology bases are available freely. This makes the government to think about ‘self-reliant’ works. For which Indian constitution articles and democracy powers helps in projects like ‘Made in India’. this movement gets revived in a new avatar, it is time to understand its many dimensions that will make it either run, hobble or stop altogether. This not only for promoting Indian products also increasing exports.

These enables our country, gives us Justice, Liberty, equality, fraternity in every case we do, for instance we can take our ISRO development, Indian medical association, etc. these developments are possible and enabled today, because of our constitution and democracy, also enhancing by it.

Hope my answer helps you.

This is my personal thoughts and some info from websites, dont take it seriously if i said something wrong.

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Constituion of India was a very revolutionary document in the context of the period when we got independence. Socio economic conditions suitable to democracy were totally missing except. Partial experience of parliamentary system under supervision of the British government. INspite of that members of the Constituent Assembly unanimously decided to adopt a democratic system for our country. The Constituion granted universal sufferrag at a time when literacy rate was very low. MOst of the India was living in villages who had never heard of democratic system. THough some precautions were also suggested to counter existing social and cultural differences among the Indian Constituion is not simply about structure ire of government and distribution of powers between state and Union government but it is also a document of social change .Because society itself was devided not only in class and caste but religion ,region and cultural differences were also deep rooted .

THe constitution of India and because of that our democracy are greatest Enablers because they have provided equality to those who had suffered inequality and injustice for centuries in our society.Because of the constitution various social legislations have been passed by the Parliament and social change has been carried over by legal system ,otherwise this change was not possible .In the beginning many obese rivers were very sceptic about success of our system and many of t hem. Specially western critiques had ruled out the success on the grounds of existing social and economic differences in our society. We should agree that our democratic system could facilitate our people ,still we have To work hard to bring system on line.But if our constituent assembly had decided not to introduce democracy at that time because circumstances were not suitable then the process would have been delayed indefinitely and even our Survival as a nation would have been difficult. BEcause Our democratic system, INspite of all diversities and differences could survive as a Nation.

Answered by poojan

Essay on "Aatmanirbhar Bharat : Indian Constitution and Democracy are the biggest enablers"

"M.K. Gandhi’s Swadeshi movement and self-reliance were two sides of the same coin."

Aatmanirbhar Bharat - A self reliant India, was the dream of most of the visionary and veteran freedom achievers of India, including Gandhi. It is still the dream for many. There is a need to make this dream come true, and what else be the big opportunity to implement it, than the time we are living in the global crisis emotionally, economically and socially.

This Mission is mainly based on five pillars namely : Economy, Infrastructure, System, Vibrant Demography, Demand.

It mainly focuses in helping the small scale industries, cottage industries, home industry, MSMEs, as these are the areas in which crores of the people of India find their livelihood in. It is also applicable for farmers and even to the middle class taxpayers.

Constitution : Rights and Duties

India - World's largest democratic, federal and republic country being world's second largest populated one have crores of younger minds to achieve this dream, to serve the country with their startups and inventions. All it needs is a motivation, and this mission is that motivation.

With the liberty we have in this nation, we can create wonders utilizing the basic rights that are included in Part III (Articles 12 to 35) of the Constitution of India which help in enjoying the liberty and to become self-independent. 

The Indian Constitution also formulated duties in Article 51a under Part IVA in the 42nd Amendment which every citizen must perform thriving towards the welfare of a democratic nation.

Constitution - Industry :

Along with it, The Constitution of India set out in their Resolution that emphasised the importance to the economy in securing continuous production, while progressing development of Industries in the country. This helps in implementing the start ups, small scale industries in the country more and more.

8 years have passed since the declaration on industrial policy, while witnessing major positive changes and developments in India. By Article 43, the State shall endeavour to promote cottage industries on an individual or cooperative basis in rural areas.

Constitution - MSME :

According to 115th Constitution Amendment Bill, 2011, The Ministry of MSME was promoted with the task of uplifting the micro and small enterprises.

With the objectives of providing the facilities for testing, training for entrepreneurship , Assistance for exports etc., it improves the enhancement of skills, supply chain management, upgradation of technology, the expansion of markets etc.

REGP and the PM’s Rozgar Yojana state-wise and RBI and other banks, centrally, helps in investment loans.

Constitution - Farming :

The Government of India has introduced several Programmes & Schemes for the welfare of agricultural sector. The support is huge as the animal husbandry, agriculture loans, horticulture, market prices, loans & credit, fisheries, sericulture etc. support is given by the Government as per the Article 48 in the Constitution of India : Organisation of agriculture and animal husbandry, which states that the State itself shall endeavour to organise agriculture & animal husbandry on modern and scientific lines and in preserving and improving the breeds.

How does democracy enter in the scheme of Self reliant India?

"By the people, of the people and for the people." Here comes Voice for local into the action. There are many superb & effective Indian products that are yet to come into the limelight.

'Voice for local' helps in promoting the products made by the people of our Country, reaching the places of the people of the country, that helps in boosting the situation of every individual, All for the people of the country and the world. All the similar yojanas help in making the products get recognition and necessary support.

Best Examples that India can successfully become self-reliant :

"4.5L PPE/day with profit of 4000 crores in 2 months", "Made in India 5G network", "Import embargo on 101 items", "Production of 3 lakh N-95 masks per day"... There are a lot more inspiring stories. Many have turned the crisis time into an opportunity. App developments are blooming. Younger minds have started to embrace the opportunities coming.

Conclusion :

Overall, as per 2018's data, The total value of imports (CIF) for India is US$ 617,946 million. As per May 2020, the major import partners of our country are: China (16%), the US & UAE (6% each).

So, it's time. To give a life to your dreams. We are here to make your products' value reach nooks and corners of the country. Being Self-reliant is just a beautiful and ultimate essence of life. Feel it with your contribution to the nation.

Learn more :

Hindi : https://brainly.in/question/20877431

Self reliance - Digital India : https://brainly.in/question/20634479

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