Indian economic features
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The economy of India is a developing mixed economy. It is the world's sixth-largest economy by nominal GDP and the third-largest by purchasing power parity. The country ranks 139th in per capita GDP with $2,134 and 122nd in per capita GDP with $7,783 as of 2018.
Currency: Indian rupee Trending
Gross domestic product: 2.26 lakh crores USD (2016) World Bank
GDP growth rate: 7.1% annual change (2016) World Bank
GNI per capita: 6,490 PPP dollars (2016) World Bank
GDP per capita: 1,709.39 USD (2016) World Bank
Internet users: 10.1% of the population (2011)World Bank
Gross national income: 8.59 lakh crores PPP dollars (2016) World Bank
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