Indian Ruler Of Independent Kingdoms Were Easily Donated By The European Colonial Power Why?
yes the Indian rular of independent kingdoms were easily donated by the european colonial power because eropeans has more power than us and they used to do big trade and also known as traders.
there are some points.
Indian rulers of independent kingdoms were easily dominated by the European colonial powers
-Europeans had slowly taken over the Kingdoms of India and indirectly governed them through puppet rulers
-After the decline of Mughals India was at this time not only weak but was also split by several opposing local rulers.
- making Europeans influence on the Sub-Continent significantly easier for them.
- The areas that were influenced by the British directly and indirectly were more stable.
-When it came to managing their new territories, the British adopted a smart strategy in India.
-Those rulers were dominated by the British. They used it to collect taxes and enforce legislation.
-They negotiated a bargain with the local Rajs, Nawabs and Sultans rather than just annexing many of the provinces.
-They promised not to strike local rulers until the British were their heirs. This meant that after a ruler 's death many small states were legacy to the British.
- They also named a "resident" to check on the ruler. Little by little, the local rulers found that they had become the East Indian company's pure puppets.
-The British had followed a government-wide light-touch policy and did not mess with Indian customs and lifestyle.
- Both of this led to ensuring that the British could govern large and varied territory.
-This persuaded several rulers to accept the British even if they knew their land was being exploited.
As trade and economic growth grew in prosperity over the years, many local rulers were willing to collaborate with the Britis