Indias first war of independence 1857
First War of Indian Independence is a term predominantly used in India to describe the Indian Rebellion of 1857. The event challenged and ended the power and control of British East Indian Company in India to be replaced by nine decades of British colonial rule, known as theThe British and colonial press along with contemporary European referred to the events under a number of titles the most common being the Sepoy Mutiny or the Indian Mutiny.[4][5][6] Contemporary 'anti-imperialists' viewed this term as propaganda, and pushed to characterize it as more than just the actions of a few mutinous native soldiers although the term The Indian Insurrection was used in the British and colonial press at the time.[7] Karl Marx was the first Western scholar to call the 1857 revolt a "national revolt",[8][9] though he used the term Sepoy Revolt to describe the event.[1] British Raj.