Social Sciences, asked by ArslanxD5636, 1 year ago

Indiscriminate use of resources are pairing a serious. Threat. Explain the threat


Answered by gopalsibapaul01


Definition. Pair programming consists of two programmers sharing a single workstation (one screen, keyboard and mouse among the pair).

Developers do their best work when they’re inspired and empowered, as we discussed recently in this post. That means equipping your developers with the tools and resources they need to be more efficient, blending agility with accuracy to build better products, faster. There are several tactics for achieving these goals, many of which work well in tandem. Application performance monitoring, for instance, helps you take a proactive approach to monitoring rather than responding to issues only after they’ve reached your users. Another method for boosting efficiency is pair programming, Let’s take a look at pair programming advantages, concept, and challenges of pair programming.

Definition of Pair Programming

As the name implies, pair programming is where two developers work using only one machine. Each one has a keyboard and a mouse. One programmer acts as the driver who codes while the other will serve as the observer who will check the code being written, proofread and spell check it, while also figuring out where to go next. These roles can be switched at any time: the driver will then become the observer and vice versa.

It’s also commonly called “pairing,” “programming in pairs,” and “paired programming.”

Two heads are better than one. If the driver encounters a hitch with the code, there will be two of them who’ll solve the problem.

More efficient. Common thinking is that it slows down the project completion time because you are effectively putting two programmers to develop a single program, instead of having them work independently on two different programs. But studies have shown that two programmers working on the same program are only 15% slower than when these programmers work independently, rather than the presupposed 50% slow down

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