Industrial pollution in 100 words
The word “pollution” indicates the presence on an unwanted foreign material into something. Hence, with reference to the earth, pollution means the contamination of our natural resources by different pollutants, produced mainly due to human activities. Today, pollution is the most significant issue that concerns the health of our environment.
Industries emanating toxic gases and insoluble waste, damage our natural resources of air, soil and water. There could be various examples of human induced pollutants, like – plastics, littering, radioactive contamination, soil contamination etc. Pollution must be dealt with immediately and globally as well. Natural resources, which we are losing due to pollution today, have been produced in millions of years and might take another Million to repair.
Industrial Pollution:
Industrial pollution is the air, water, and chemical pollution caused by industries. There has always been pollution. Industrial pollution began when our country went through the Industrial Revolution. Most all parts of the world are affected in some way by industrial pollution. Big cities with steel mills, power plants, heating plants, or railroad stations feel the direct effects of industrial pollution. The smog, smell, and contamination of food or water are some direct effects. Remote areas of the world are affected indirectly by industrial pollution. Even though the people in these communities may not live near any factories, plants, etc. they still are affected. The air pollution caused by the industries can carry for many miles